Looking for

a world class

speaking coach?

World Championship 3rd Place


World Semi Finalists

District Champions


District Finalists

When Verity won the 2021 World Championship of Public speaking, she knew that her success was a direct result of the coaching she received. Without guidance, her speeches would not have reached the level they did. That is why she is passionate about helping other speakers reach great heights too.
She has been coaching speakers for TEDx, Toastmasters and corporate stages for over 10 years and since becoming a World Champion, has had 2 corporate clients win international industry contests; 12 clients place in their Districts; 6 clients be crowned District Champions; 7 clients speak in the world semi-finals and 2 clients place in the World Championships.
Choosing to be coached is an investment in yourself and in the results you are wanting achieve. All sessions are recorded for your ongoing learning and Verity works through your transcript with meticulous notes and suggestions. If you are ready to take your speaking to the next level, Verity would love to chat!  Click here to learn more....

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How does coaching work?

One-on-one 60 minute sessions on Zoom, booked via Calendly at a time that suits you. Where possible, speech ideas and videos are sent ahead of the session for Verity to review before the meeting.

Verity's process helps to focus on the flow and flair of a speech. In the sessions, Verity either helps you to develop your idea or works through your transcript to refine your message, polish your speech development, tighten your storytelling and ultimately deepen the value to the audience.

Once your script is done, Verity deep dives into performance and delivery. Here she focuses on the staging, body language and vocal variety that will enable you to deliver your speech authentically and powerfully.

Sessions are recorded on Yoodli and script edits are sent through as soon as the session finishes, along with the recording and session transcript.

Each session is designed to find the gold that might be hidden in your speech, to dig deeper into your story and uncover the message you most want to share with the world. It's a journey of holding the space for your confidence to grow and to support you in really nailing your delivery. 

Coaching isn't always easy, but if you want to be coached, you will be amazed at how much you grow as a speaker and as a person!

What Verity's Clients Say

Justin Goedhart wins FIATA
Annie Martin

District 73 Third Runner Up 2022

Your coaching was fabulous - actually beyond my expectations for how helpful it was.
You have a real gift Verity, I have learned an enormous amount in one hour... and not only about speech construction and delivery, but more about myself too.

Jody Dontje through to District Finals
Gary Tintinger
District 74 Champion 2022

Thank you, Verity, for the firm, but gentle guidance. You encouraged me to dig deeper to find the essence of the message. You challenged elements of the speech, but with care and compassion. I was able to use your practical methodologies to write the same story, differently. Your coaching was the magic ingredient that took me to being the Southern Africa Champion of Public Speaking – I’m proud and honoured to be following in your footsteps.

Jody Dontje

World Semi Finalist 2022

I won again! Verity has been coaching me with leveling up in public speaking contests for a few months and it has been absolutely game-changing! She has been willing to challenge me, help me see my inner authenticity and realness, & has enabled me to flourish with vulnerability. This deep exploration and her absolute gold standard of understanding speech contests has enabled me to change and grow so much as a speaker in such a small time frame.

Howard Kahn

District 46 2nd Place 2022

It was my first time competing in the International Speech Contest and I studied Verity's winning speech from 2021. She was fantastic and I saw in her style many skills that I wanted to develop. I reached out to her for coaching and not only was I able to make it to runner up in the very competitive Contest, but I was able to learn so much about public speaking in general. Verity taught me to blend physicality with more descriptive and efficient content. I look forward to working with her on other important speeches & presentations!

Starting to see how a session with Verity might help you?

Book Your Session Here
Lethabo, WWF
A BIG thank you Verity for truly investing your brilliance into sharpening us. I literally felt the shyness shed away and the POWER take over along this journey.
I am all charged-up for upcoming speaking opportunities and the world!
Justin Goedhart

Winner Young International Freight Forwarder 2021

My public speaking has changed from dull and insecure to vibrant and professional. I was taught how to keep an audience entertained and engaged even whilst relaying information which on its own would be boring. I was given skills which I will benefit from for the rest of my life, and through these skills I was able to win the Young International Freight Forwarder of the Year for 2021! Thank you for all your time and effort Verity, I am truly grateful to have worked with you.

Hisham Jiffry

District 20 Finalist

A coach coaches, a teacher teaches, a trainer trains but what do you call someone who does all this and more? Verity Price!

Verity's enormous arsenal of expertise, her warm personal charm and innate ability to connect with your unique idea is a superpower.

Ready to win at presenting?

Whether you need a course run for a group of people, or you need to make sure your next big presentation or pitch really pops, Verity would love to help.
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What are you looking to be coached for?
A professional presentation
A Toastmasters contest
To build confidence as a speaker
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“I have become a better speaker through this course. I am no longer a nervous mess when speaking in public. I have been able to use this in my workshops!”   - Bokamosa, WWF -